It was a full house at Qualicum Beach’s Rotary House last week as five outstanding Oceanside community members were recognized for outstanding contributions to their community. The Governor General has asked MPs to choose twenty constituents for the King Charles III Coronation Medal, a difficult decision as our riding is vast (31 communities) with a 100,000+ population!
King Charles III Medal to Susanna
It was my honour to present the King Charles III medal to Susanna, in recognition of her enormous contribution to making her community stronger through 30 years of service with the Society of Organized Services in Parksville.. Her leadership in mustering community support to keep essential community services operating during the pandemic was immensely important to children, seniors and their families. Thank you for your work, Susanna and thanks also to your board, staff and volunteers for making a difference in the lives of so many.
3 Courtenay Residents get the King Charles III Coronation Medal
Today (Nov. 15), three Courtenay locals were presented the King Charles III Coronation Medal by member of Parliament, Gord Johns. The medal is awarded to only 30,000 Canadians.
Doug Cox received the medal in recognition of his creative vision for over 28 years of presenting the gift of music to the people of Vancouver Island and mobilizing thousands of volunteers to create the community of MusicFest for three magical days each summer.
"I am honoured to present you with the King Charles III Coronation Medal in recognition of your creative vision over 28 years of presenting the gift of music to the people of Vancouver Island," said Johns.
Anne Davis received the medal in recognition of 30 years of service with the Comox Valley Transition Society and a lifetime of community activism for social justice for all.
"Your advocacy for unions to enhance their responses to intimate partner violence and [your] service on numerous local and provincial boards and committees have contributed significantly to public awareness of violence against women in our society," said Johns.
Tim Ennis received the medal in recognition of his important contributions to the acquisition, protection and restoration of ecologically significant lands and waters on Vancouver Island.
"Over 25 years, your determination to seek common cause with the entire community in the interest of the environment has been remarkable," said Johns.
Literacy Alberni Society-
Thank you to the Literacy Alberni Society for inviting me to speak to students and volunteers about my work representing the in the House of Commons. The students consist of immigrants who have arrived from all over the world, from Germany to Thailand and who have been in Canada from two months to several years. At the end of my talk, they joined me in singing O Canada. Thanks to the board, staff and volunteers of this terrific organization for their work.
King Charles III Coronation Medal to amazing Marlene Dietrich in Port Alberni
Such a moving Remembrance Day ceremony in Parksville yesterday, including a fly-over at the eleventh hour. It was wonderful to connect with veteran Jack Rossiter who turned 100 this year. Jack served Canada in the Italian campaign 1943-45. Thank you to those who laid wreathes on my behalf throughout the riding: Meaghan Cursons in Cumberland, Donna Cloutier in Courtenay, the Hon. Deb Grey in Bowser, Lee Olimusik in Port Alberni, Bruce Ballingal in Qualicum Beach, Jessica Harris in Tofino and Rick Geddes in Ucluelet. Thank you especially to the volunteers and hundreds of residents who attended these ceremonies to remember those who sacrificed so much for our freedoms in Canada.
Remembrance Day Ceremony
Such a moving Remembrance Day ceremony in Parksville yesterday, including a fly-over at the eleventh hour. It was wonderful to connect with veteran Jack Rossiter who turned 100 this year. Jack served Canada in the Italian campaign 1943-45. Thank you to those who laid wreathes on my behalf throughout the riding: Meaghan Cursons in Cumberland, Donna Cloutier in Courtenay, the Hon. Deb Grey in Bowser, Lee Olimusik in Port Alberni, Bruce Ballingal in Qualicum Beach, Jessica Harris in Tofino and Rick Geddes in Ucluelet. Thank you especially to the volunteers and hundreds of residents who attended these ceremonies to remember those who sacrificed so much for our freedoms in Canada.
Royal Canadian Legion Qualicum Berach Branch No 76
Such a moving candlelight ceremony at the Royal Canadian Legion Qualicum Beach Branch No 76 today as community members placed candles in front of the cenotaph to remember those who served our country. Thank you to Lynn McLean and Christine Ross for keeping this tradition alive in our community and for inviting me to say a few words, And thank you also to all those who came out in the rain to pay their respects.
Honour Grace with a King Charles III Coronation Medal at Wickaninnish Community School l

Poppy Flag Raising Ceromony
Thank you to the Qualicum Legion #76 for inviting me to attend the Poppy Flag raising ceremony and Poppy Campaign Kickoff for 2023 on Friday. Every year from the last Friday of October to November 11, tens of millions of Canadians wear a Poppy as a visual pledge to honour Canada's Veterans and remember those who scarified for the freedoms we enjoy today.
The Poppy is distributed freely to all who wish to wear one, and the Legion gratefully accepts donations to the Poppy Fund, which helps military an RCMP veterans and their families. Thanks to QB Legion Poppy Campaign Chair Arlene King an outgoing Poppy Campaign Chair Bruce Ballingal for their service.
King Charles III Coronation Medal to Respected Elder Grace George