This Motion recognizes that the House recognize Canada is experiencing a mental health and substance use crisis that has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, too many Canadians are unable to access mental health or substance use supports in a timely manner, lack of access to community-based mental health and substance use services increases demands on hospital emergency rooms and primary care providers,
untreated or inadequately treated mental illness carries significant social and economic costs; and in the opinion of the House, the government should:

(i) without delay develop legislation that will enshrine in law parity between physical and mental health in Canada’s universal public healthcare system, ensure timely access to evidence-based, culturally appropriate, publicly funded mental health and substance use services beyond hospital and physician settings, recognize the importance of investing in the social determinants of health, mental health promotion, and mental illness prevention, and include national performance standards and accountabilities for mental health and substance use services,

(ii) without delay establish the Canada mental health transfer to sustainably fund the provision of mental health and substance use services and disburse an initial investment of $4.5 billion to the provinces and territories,

(iii) report to Parliament annually on progress towards achieving national performance standards for mental health and substance use services.


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