Thank you to Kackaamin Family Development Centre Executive Director Lisa Robinson and her team for inviting me to their 50th anniversary celebration last week. Lisa reminded us of the enormous contribution of the Elders who have played such an important role in creating one of only three indigenous family treatment centers in all of Canada, including the late Mary Hayes, Ray Seitcher, and Eileen Charleson. I congratulated the board, staff and clients for their leadership towards a legacy of healing and making such a difference in so many lives. Klecko Klecko for honouring me with the gift of a wonderful painting for the MP's office. Thanks to Ben Grayzel for these great images.
Tseshaht First Nation- Orange Shirt Day
Thank you to Tseshaht First Nation for welcoming us to its territory on Orange Shirt Day, also known as the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. It is a day when we remember the children who died in the Indian Residential Schools, the suffering of all those who were removed from their families through many decades and the legacy of intergenerational trauma caused by the government’s policies. It was a day to re-commit to the reconciliation of historical wrongs and the implementation of all 94 Calls to Action by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Klecko Klecko to Elected Chief Councillor waamiiš (Ken Watts), Tseshaht Elders and all the community members who worked to make this year's walk and cultural events so successful and to the residents and visitors to the Alberni Valley for showing their support on this important day.